Common Additives in Pet Food - Effects on Pets

Propylene glycol, ethoxyquin, carrageenan, butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), TBHQ, corn syrup, sodium metabisulfite, sodium hexametaphosphate, titanium dioxide, and lecithin, are common additives in pet food.
Additives are added to pet food to provide nutritional benefits, safety and preserving the desirable characteristics of color, flavor, stability, texture, and resistance to spoilage resulting from bacterial or fungal contamination, or fats becoming rancid.
Long-term usage of some additives in high or even small doses can lead to serious health complications in dogs, such as cancer, damage to the liver and kidney, intestinal ulceration or blockage, and diabetes, among others.

Additives in pet foods are minor ingredients that are added to provide nutritional benefits, safety and preserving the desirable characteristics of color, flavor, stability, texture, and resistance to spoilage resulting from bacterial or fungal contamination, or fats becoming rancid. These additives are derived from both natural and artificial sources. Although they have the above-listed benefits, prolonged exposure to additives, particularly those derived from artificial sources, can lead to serious health complications in dogs. Ten additives commonly found in pet food include propylene glycol, ethoxyquin, carrageenan, butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), TBHQ, corn syrup, sodium metabisulfite, sodium hexametaphosphate, titanium dioxide, and lecithin.
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Propylene glycol is a synthetic liquid substance that absorbs water, thereby reducing moisture and preventing bacterial growth, and is used by the chemical, food, and pharmaceutical industries.
It is used as an antifreeze.
Propylene glycol causes Heinz body hemolytic anemia, a condition in which red blood cells are destroyed, even in small amounts. It is also implicated in the development of cancerous lesions and intestinal occlusion in dogs.

Ethoxyquin is an FDA-approved, food-grade antioxidant.
It is used to preserve the energy source found in fats, thereby preventing rancidity of fats contained in dog foods.
Ethoxyquin causes damage to the kidneys and livers of dogs, as well as cancer of the stomach, liver, spleen, and skin, leukemia, blindness, and immune deficiency syndrome.

Carrageenan is extracted from red seaweed and has been designated safe by the FDA and AAFCO.
Because of its gelatinous properties, it is used as a thickener and is found in 70% of canned pet foods.
Carrageenan has been associated with intestinal ulcerations and cancerous growths.

BHA is an antioxidant found in embalming fluids, cosmetics, petroleum products, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides.
It is used in preserving human and dog/cat foods.
BHA has been linked with kidney damage and has been identified as a possible carcinogen.

 #5: TBHQ
TBHQ stands for tertiary butylhydroquinone and is also used to make resins, varnishes, and lacquers.
It preserves fat, thereby prolonging the shelf life of pet foods.
TBHQ causes pre-cancerous stomach tumors in laboratory animals and can damage a cell’s DNA.

Corn syrup is one of several natural sweeteners derived from corn starch.
It is used as a food sweetener.
Corn syrup causes hyperactivity, weight gain, diabetes, and changes in mood and mentality in dogs.

Sodium metabisulfite is a common preservative found in human and pet food, wine, bleaching agents for textiles, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and water/sewage treatment.
It is used as a food preservative.
Sodium metabisulfite causes diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, circulatory system problems, and central nervous system depression when ingested by dogs, as well as asthma-like reactions when inhaled.

Sodium hexametaphosphate is a food additive and a softening agent for water and detergents.
It is used to reduce dog tarter.
At high doses, sodium hexametaphosphate is harmful, and it causes digestive problems in dogs.

Titanium dioxide is a pigment commonly used to provide a cloudy effect and white background color.
It is used as a food coloring agent.
Titanium dioxide is associated with a possible adverse effect on the reproductive system.

Lecithin is a source of choline and is one of the main components of cell membranes.
It is used as a food emulsifier.
Lecithin is known to improve brain function and is useful in treating depression, liver and gallbladder disease, as well as some skin disorders such as eczema.

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