
Global Wholesale Industry Overview

INSIGHTS The total market size (revenue) of the wholesale footwear market in 2018 is $38 billion, with expected revenue growth of 2% in 2019. The …

Global Warming Part 2

INSIGHTS The ways global warming can be combated include promoting terrestrial carbon dioxide removal, photocatalysis of non-CO2 greenhouse gases,…

Global Warming Part 1

INSIGHTS The existence of global warming can be proven through anthropomorphic greenhouse gas emissions, global temperature rise, warming oceans, g…

Common Additives in Pet Food - Effects on Pets

INSIGHTS Propylene glycol, ethoxyquin, carrageenan, butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), TBHQ, corn syrup, sodium metabisulfite, sodium hexametaphosphate…

Benefits of Owning Pets

INSIGHTS Owning and being around pets has a positive impact on cardiovascular health. Mental health outcomes are improved by owning or being aroun…