How sensitive can a quantum detector be? Quantum physics is moving out of the laboratory and into everyday life. Despite headline results about quantum computers solving problems impossible…
5 tech trends in 2020: Quantum computing, AR/VR, 5G, and more This year will see the commercialization of high-level tech that gained ground in 2019, CB Insights found. The top tech trends for 2020 cover a w…
AlphaZero learns to rule the quantum world The chess world was amazed when the computer algorithm AlphaZero learned, after just four hours on its own, to beat the best chess programs built on…
The Qubit Is Weird and Awesome at the Same Time Just like its classical cousin, the qubit can take a value of either 0 or 1. Physically, qubits can be represented as any two-level quantum systems …
The Bizarre and Awesome World of Quantum Mechanics It all began in the 1930s with Max Planck, the reluctant genius. He came up with a new interpretation for the energy distribution of the light spec…