
Talent Attraction Techniques for Unpopular Industries

Unpopular Industry Recruitment - Challenges Several industries that are considered to be "unpopular," and which struggle to attract top t…

Mobile-Centric Entrepreneurs

Information on how European entrepreneurs shop for mobile or telecommunication devices is not readily available in the public domain, but there are …

The Experience Economy

The concept of experience economy appeared in 1988 when Pine and Gilmore presented a study to Havard Business Review. They theorized the effects o…


One of the major product categories in which Albis-Elcon operates is ethernet carriers/B862 devices. Complete details about the company's segmen…

Top AI Innovation: Consulting Firms

Three of the top consulting companies for innovative AI services are Keyrus , Tata Consultancy Services, and Cambridge Consultants. All three of the…

Best Practices For Implementing Robust Automation Capabilities

Best practices for implementing automation capabilities within an organization or a company include making automation a strategic priority; deployin…

Digital Risks (Part 1)

The technology industry is advancing at a rapid pace with constantly evolving digital technologies at every turn. With high-speed advancement comes…

Wearable Tech Launches

INSIGHTS Casper sold $1 million worth of mattresses in the first 28 days. Consumer sentiment towards the Gravity Blanket was so positive before lau…

Artificial Intelligence - Downsides to the Government.

The downsides of artificial intelligence (AI) in US government organizations from the governments point of view include AI making government organi…