Brand Lift Study


  • Nielsen Digital Brand Effect Platform is an enterprise technology platform that facilitates collaboration between media providers, agencies, and advertisers around measuring and optimizing brand-relevant metrics in real-time.
  • Three companies that offer brand lift studies include Survata, Signet Research Inc., and Research Now Group.
  • Google's Brand Lift measures the "direct impact" YouTube ads are having on "perceptions and behaviors throughout the consumer journey."


Image result for Brand Lift Study

We have identified three companies that offer brand lift studies that are presumably more affordable that Kantar Millward Brown's services. The three companies are Signet Research Inc., Survata, and Research Now Group. Additionally, we have identified four solution/platforms that track brand lift metrics across different channels. These solutions are Facebook Brand Lift, Google Brand Lift, ComScore Brand Survey Lift, and Nielsen Digital Brand Effect tool.
We started our research by searching for companies that offered brand lift studies out of Colorado on sites focused on marketing and advertising. However, these sites, such as Adweek and Marketing Land focus on solutions, platforms and on providing news on the subject matter. As we couldn't find companies that operated in Colorado, we expanded our search to the US. In pursuing this research path, we found Survata as a paid result above one of our search result page. In searching for the other two companies, our organic search results did not yield any tangible company that fit the research criteria. We then turned to directories such as the GreenBook Directory where we found the remaining two companies. We have assumed that all the companies listed should be cheaper than Kantar Millward Brown as our research showed that the three companies are not as popular and mainstream as Kantar Millward Brown's offering. Lastly, we were unable to provide any pricing details for all the companies and for some solutions. We postulate that these companies refrain from providing pricing details because all projects are not the same in terms of size and scope. We have detailed our findings below.
Pricing: N/A
Location: New Jersey
Signet Research Inc. is a marketing research firm founded in 1968 and has its headquarter in New Jersey. It offers different cross-platform services including but not limited to audience profiling, ad effectiveness, content evaluation, and building "panels and communities to facilitate consumer dialogue." Its ad effectiveness offering is known as AdStudies and comes in different variations, including:
The data/metrics that these studies provide include ad recall, level of interest and action taken as a result of viewing the ad, sales lead generation, rating noticeability, and much more. Specifically, the primary objective of its AdLift studies is to "Substantiate ROI by reporting lifts in brand awareness and purchase intent post ad exposure."
Pricing: N/A
Location: San Francisco, CA

Survata is a brand intelligence platform offering ad measurement and market research services. It was founded in 2012 and "leverage honest, online interviews on a massive scale through our Publisher Network to draw out actionable insights for our clients." Its ad measurement offerings include Brand Lift, Audience Validation, and Audience Creation. Through its Brand Lift studies, users can "measure brand lift, sentiment, and recall of online advertising," as well as measure the "impact of exposure across multiple campaigns." Users can also push data from Survata's brand lift studies directly into their DMP.
Pricing: N/A
Contact Details:; (214) 365.5000, (323) 993.4400, (212) 805.2800, (415) 948.2266 for the Dallas, Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco offices, respectively.
Locations: San Francisco; New York; Los Angeles, and Dallas

Research Now Group offers global audience and panel, integrated data, research services, ad measurement and effectiveness, and SmartAR™ automated market research services. Its ad measurement and effectiveness offerings include audience discovery, ad optimization, ad implementation, ADimension® Cross Media studies, and ADimension® Campaign Effectiveness. It is through the ADimension® Campaign Effectiveness offering that it performs brand lift studies, tracking metrics such as "unaided and aided brand awareness, brand familiarity, online ad awareness, brand favorability, purchase intent, and brand perceptions."
Image result for Brand Lift StudyBRAND LIFT SOLUTIONS
  • Facebook Brand Lift
Price: Free

Facebook Brand Lift is a tool for measuring ad effective across Facebook, and Instagram, both owned by Facebook. The tool is only available for free to "advertisers running eligible brand campaigns."

  • Google's Brand Lift
Price: Spending the minimum commitment budget

Google's Brand Lift measures the "direct impact YouTube ads are having on perceptions and behaviors throughout the consumer journey." It measures metrics such as ad recall, brand awareness, brand or product consideration, brand alignment, intent to purchase, and the ad effect on organic search.

  • Brand Survey Lift by ComScore
Price: N/A

Brand Survey Lift by ComScore is a "survey-based solution that measures the total impact of online and multi platform advertising." The solution can measure the lift attributable to each publisher, thus ensuring users recognize the placements with the highest ROI.

  • Nielsen Digital Brand Effect Platform
Price: N/A

Nielsen Digital Brand Effect Platform is an "enterprise technology platform" that facilitates collaboration between media providers, agencies, and advertisers around "measuring and optimizing brand-relevant metrics in real-time." The platform uses the gold-standard in brand measurement methodology to capture data effectively, while minimizing bias.
We have provided three marketing and consumer research companies as well as four solutions for tracking brand lift metrics across multiple platforms. The marketing and research companies include Survata, Signet Research Inc., and Research Now Group.


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