Rvasus Slogan: Ruminate to Vasus
This site is about life and presence of mind, encompassing the things people like to do daily. In blogging, the site is diversifying into a few categories, including:
- Tech
- News
- Research
- Brand bio-data
And some articles you would love to read!
Academically, I am interested in writing, specifically news and short stories. I’d like my career to revolve around writing, which I fondly call “the art of words,” for I believe in the power of words to induce change both personally and globally. The capacity of words to make someone happy or sad has impressed me greatly. To me, words are like math, wherein one has to master and know a workable formula to deliver the right message.
It is my vision for all people to once again appreciate the art of writing and reading. With the rapid development of technology, young people are losing this skill. It is my mission to help students slow down and truly articulate what they are trying to say.
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